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Sandy Clarke
Licensed Professional Counsellor

Professional Qualifications:

Masters, Counselling (Monash University)

Registered & Licensed Counsellor

Counselling Board of Malaysia
Registration No: S-22
Australian Counselling Association 
Registration No: 19392


Dealing with my issues over the years, I tried everything you’ve likely tried to overcome your struggles. I ignored thoughts; dismissed feelings; suppressed emotions; and avoided situations and people. I did this for years, and the only thing that happened was I swung back and forth between feeling OK and having to deal with the same issues that would repeatedly arise.


My desire to suppress and avoid what was happening affected my ability to connect with others to the point where even the idea of connection felt uncomfortable. Later, having therapy myself, I realised an important lesson: 


When you suppress painful feelings and emotions, it also prevents you from living your life fully and authentically. Quite often, we repeat the same behaviours and find ourselves with the same kinds of results; and even though we really want to break that cycle, it somehow feels automatic, as if it can’t be helped. Does that sound familiar?


Where we hurt is where we care


In 2014, while working as a journalist, I met Tom Rennie – a Second World War veteran who was part of the Normandy Landings in 1944. I spent a total of six hours in conversation with Tom over a few months and was astounded by his cheerful and optimistic outlook on life after all he’d lived through.

He, and others like him, was living proof that humans have the capacity and the strength to overcome the most brutal of realities. Sometimes, we need someone to equip us with the right tools and help us find our inner strength to deal with what’s going on in our lives. From that point, we can start to build a meaningful life.


When I asked Tom, “How did you deal with everything you’ve been through, and how were you able to remain optimistic during those years?” He replied, “You have to find something worth living for, and then you have to find the courage to live – no matter what.”


How I approach therapy can be summed up in Tom’s reply. Life is often hard, and sometimes it can feel downright unfair and, at times, unbearable. And yet, despite all the difficult moments: the losses, the heartaches, the insecurities, and uncertainties, you’re still standing. Perhaps at this point you might feel like you’re just barely coping – I understand how that feels – and you just want whatever it is you’re going through to stop, so that you can live your life how you want to live it. 


Struggles are part of being human. We all have our struggles; no-one is exempt from that. No-one can “fix” you, because you’re not broken - perhaps you just need help to get back on track. That could mean anything from trying to understand yourself better to dealing with some really tough thoughts, feelings and emotions, and everything else in between. Maybe you need to figure out where you are in life, and in which direction you’d like to head. There are countless reasons why people see a therapist, and none of them is because there’s “something wrong” with the person. We simply reach points when we need help to navigate issues or problems, and develop the tools to build a life that's meaningful and engaging.


As mentioned earlier, I can’t fix your problems – nobody can. What I can do is work with you to figure out what matters to you, and what holds you back from living the kind of life you want to lead. Your past might have shaped you to this point, but it needn’t define who you are from this point on. From the first therapy session, you get to choose a new path for yourself, and it’ll be my privilege to help you map it out.

Additional Training

Image by Nick Morrison

Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

(3-day workshop, Nov 2018)

Delivered by: Martin Wilks, UK Chartered Psychologist

Tele-support Services in Turbulent Times

(6 modules, May-July 2020)

Delivered by: Kim Barthel, international speaker, instructor, award-winning occupational therapist

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy webinar series

(5 modules, April-July 2020)

Delivered by: Dr. Russ Harris, ACT trainer, medical practitioner, and best-selling author

  • Telehealth: How To Do ACT Well Via Video or Audio

  • Brief Interventions in ACT for Trauma

  • ACT For Grief and Loss

  • Self-compassion: Building Blocks and Barriers

  • ACT With Shame, Guilt and Anger. 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Immersion Online Course

(10 weeks, from Nov 2019)

Delivered by: Prof. Steven C. Hayes, creator of ACT, clinical psychologist and Nevada Foundation Professor at the University of Nevada

ACT as a Brief Intervention

(Online Course; 6 weeks, June-July 2020)

Delivered by: Dr. Russ Harris, ACT trainer, medical practitioner, and best-selling author

Image by camilo jimenez

Author, Mindfulness and Emotions: Understanding Your Mind and Being Present

Published by: MPH, January 2019; Amazon

Speaker at the 2018 International Conference on Existential-Humanistic Psychology

Topic: Post-Traumatic Growth – Overcoming Grief and Loss with Mindfulness

Regular guest, BFM radio – Malaysia’s biggest independent radio station
Topics: Mindfulness, meditation, mental health, self-care (2016 – present)

‘Sunny Side Up’ columnist for The Star (Malaysia’s biggest-selling English newspaper)

Ongoing since December 2015

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